My story
I was hemorrhaging. When I awoke, I looked out the window to see green grass growing where snow covered the ground only yesterday, or so I thought! It was actually close to two months later!
As I became conscious I learned that I had almost died! I had been given a 1% chance of living, 140 units of blood and even my last rites. While I was unconscious my family and friends surrounded me and had reactions all the way from lighting candles and creating prayer circles to planning my funeral.
Surrounded By Miracles was born to help you through any crisis you may face in your life. By actually experiencing the emotions and the feelings that I went through you get a sense of how you can handle a crisis before it comes up by simply filling out the journal pages at the end of each chapter.
You’ll learn from those who were there at my time of crisis, and bring you to the nine simple words that brought me back to life from a deep sleep. “Honey don’t worry, I’ll take care of the kids.”

Benefits for you
When you’re reading chapter one of Surrounded By Miracles, you’ll learn how a near death experience can affect those around you and those who you love. You’ll also learn how to come to grips with the possible loss that can change your life forever.
YOU’LL experience the ups and downs and the emotional reactions from family and friends to the very REAL POSSIBLE loss of a loved one…. You’ll be able to compare with their experiences what you might have done and HOW YOU MAY HAVE HANDLED things.
It will cause you to LOOK INSIDE YOURSELLF AND THINK which gives you the ability to RESPOND INSTEAD OF REACT when you’re faced with a crisis.
Success story
Right after Surrounded By Miracles was released, Sarah Johnson read it and shortly thereafter her husband was rushed to the intensive care unit following a tragic car accident. By reading Surrounded By Miracles and answering the questions at the back of each chapter, she was able to FACE HER SITUATION and help those loved ones surrounding Bob work through their struggle more calmly and completely than she ever WOULD HAVE IMAGINED POSSIBLE.
You see, she had already lived through it in her mind. She had written down what she would do if she was to face the crisis… You see, Sarah was prepared. Sarah knew exactly what to do, and so can you!